Learning MNIST using Flux.jl, verified differentially private

We provide code for a toy example that trains a simple neural network modelled using the Flux.jl machine learning library to recognize handwritten digits. Our typechecker can verify that the function doing the gradient descent for training satisfies given differential privacy bounds. We walk through most of the code here.

Noisy gradient descent, implemented in the flux_dp.jl file

This file contains an implementation of noisy gradient descent, guided by the example in section 5.6 of the duet paper.

The file defines a module to ensure a seperate scope. Further, we use the DiffPrivacyInference module to have access to our builtins within this module.

module FluxDP
using DiffPrivacyInference

We import the Flux library. Note that including modules means one has to qualify everything one uses from the model, like Flux.gradient to call the gradient function. This is necessary, as it enables us to discern between imported and homemade things in the code.

import Flux

Next, we define a function that initializes a small Flux neural network model. It uses stuff imported from the Flux module. As we cannot expect that code to be checkable (see the supported syntax on what checkable code needs to look like), we declare this function a so-called black box and signify this with the BlackBox() annotation. This means the typechecker will ignore the code inside the function body and assume it hase infinite sensitivity in all it's arguments (of which this specimen has none). Note that the Flux model is not returned by the function as-is, but wrapped in our DMModel type. It's really just a plain wrapper, but as you cannot access it's content in checkable code, this allows us to control what you do with your model in the part of the program that is relevant for analysis.

function init_model() :: BlackBox()
         Flux.Dense(28*28,40, Flux.relu),
         Flux.Dense(40, 10),

The loss function for our training not only uses a function from Flux, but also accesses the Flux model wrapped in the model field of the input DMModel. Hence it's a black box too.

loss(X, y, m) :: BlackBox() = Flux.crossentropy(m.model(X), y)

The function computing the gradient from a model and data and label vectors is a black box, too. Note that just like models, gradients have to be wrapped in our DMGrads type.

function unbounded_gradient(m::DMModel, data::Vector, label) :: BlackBox()
   gs = Flux.gradient(Flux.params(m.model)) do
   return DMGrads(gs)

Now comes the only function whose body is actually typechecked: the gradient descent training algorithm. There is a lot going on here, so we'll walk through it step by step in a bit.

function train_dp(data::Matrix{<:Data}, labels::Matrix{<:Data}, eps::Static(), del::Static(), eta::Static(), k::Static(Integer), b::Static(Integer)) :: Priv()
   # initialize a Flux model. as this is a black box, we have to use `unbox` and provide
   # return type and number of parameters of the returned model.
   n_params = 31810
   model = unbox(init_model(), DMModel, n_params)
   # loop for k epochs.
   for i in 1:k
      # sample a submatrix of `b` rows simultaneously from data and labels.
      D, L = sample(b, data, labels)

      # initialize all-zero gradient container
      G = zero_gradient(model)

      # iterate through all samples
      for j in 1:b
         # compute the gradient at the j-th data point
         # `d` and `l` are vectors of type `Data`, `gs` is gradient whose metric will
         # be inferred to be `(LInf, Data)` so the sensitivity in `d` and `l` is finite
         d = D[j,:]
         l = L[j,:]
         gs = unbox(unbounded_gradient(model, d, l), DMGrads, n_params) 

         # clip the gradient and convert to `Real` so we can use it as input to the Gaussian mechanism later
         # clipping is necessary because the conversion to `Real` would have infinite sensitivity otherwise

         # aggregate sum of batch gradients
         G = sum_gradients(gs,G)

      # apply the gaussian mechanism to the batch mean gradient.
      scale_gradient!(1/b, G)
      gaussian_mechanism!(2, eps, del, G)

      # update the model by subtracting the noised gradient scaled by the learning rate eta.
      scale_gradient!(eta, G)
      subtract_gradient!(model, G)

So here's what's going on:

  • We're only interested in the privacy of the data and labels inputs, so all other parameters get a Static() annotation. We want the interesting inputs' privacy expressed w.r.t the [discrete metric], so we annotate them with Data as matrix element type. It's supposed to be a differentially private function, so we annotate it with Priv().

    function train_dp(data::Matrix{<:Data}, labels::Matrix{<:Data}, eps::Static(), del::Static(), eta::Static(), k::Static(Integer), b::Static(Integer)) :: Priv()
  • It initializes the network using the previously defined black box function and the builtin unbox to tell the typechecker the model type and number of parameters.

       n_params = 31810
       model = unbox(init_model(), DMModel, n_params)
  • Inside the epoch loop, we sample a batch of size b using the builtin sample function.

        D, L = sample(b, data, labels)
  • We initialize an empty gradient object to aggregate the batch gradients in.

        G = zero_gradient(model)
  • For each batch member, we compute the gradient using the unbounded_gradient black box function we defined earlier.

           d = D[j,:]
           l = L[j,:]
           gs = unbox(unbounded_gradient(model, d, l), DMGrads, n_params) 
  • We want to noise the gradient using the Gaussian Mechanism, which expects a container type that has the standard euclidean (L2,ℝ)-metric assigned. However, the metric used to measure gs is the discrete (LInf, 𝔻)-metric (see the last section of the black box documentation to learn why). Hence, we have to convert gs from discrete to real metric using the undisc_container builtin. This however only works on containers with entries whose (L2,ℝ)-norm is bounded by 1, so we clip the gradient prior to converting.

  • The batch gradients are aggregated in the G container using sum_gradients.

           G = sum_gradients(gs,G)
  • After the batch loop aggregated all the batches gradients, we scale the aggregate G to get the mean gradient by using the mutating builtin scale_gradient!. Then the result is noised using the mutating gaussian_mechanism!. The parameter 2 is passed to it, because the G variable is 2-sensitive in the data and labels function inputs. If you don't believe that, feel free to write up a sub-function and infer their sensitivity yourself :)

        scale_gradient!(1/b, G)
        gaussian_mechanism!(2, eps, del, G)
  • Now all that remains to be done is updating the model using the noised mean gradient. We scale it by the learning rate using scale_gradient!, then subtract form the model parameters using subtract_gradient! which mutates the model.

        scale_gradient!(eta, G)
        subtract_gradient!(model, G)

Typechecking this

To typecheck the file, make the following call in the julia REPL:

julia> typecheck_from_file("test/flux_dp/flux_dp.jl")

|   - Matrix<n: LInf, c: C₆>[n₁ × n₄]{Data}
|       @ (4.0⋅(1 / n₁)⋅b⋅eps⋅√(2.0⋅(0 - ln(s₂₈))⋅⌈k⌉), (1 / n₁)⋅b⋅del⋅⌈k⌉ + s₂₈)
|   - Matrix<n: LInf, c: C₆>[n₁ × n₅]{Data}
|       @ (4.0⋅(1 / n₁)⋅b⋅eps⋅√(2.0⋅(0 - ln(s₂₈))⋅⌈k⌉), (1 / n₁)⋅b⋅del⋅⌈k⌉ + s₂₈)
|   - τ₇₃[eps ©]@(0, 0)
|   - τ₇₅[del ©]@(0, 0)
|   - τ₈₄[eta ©]@(0, 0)
|   - Integer[k ©]@(0, 0)
|   - Integer[b ©]@(0, 0)
|   --------------------------
|    ->* DMModel[31810.0]
 - Variable s₂₈ can be chosen with type Real to be within (0,1]. Appeared in the privacy loop in test/flux_dp/flux_dp.jl: line 77

constr₁₄ : eps < 1,
constr₁₅ : del < 1,
constr₁₅₄ : Type τ₁₆₆ is the supremum of types τ₈₄ and Real,
constr₁₆ : 0 < eps,
constr₁₇ : 0 < del,
constr₄₃ : 2.0⋅(1 / b)⋅⌈(b - 1) + 1⌉ ≤ 2.0,
constr₅₆ : s₂₈ ≤ 1,
constr₅₇ : 0 < s₂₈,
constr₈₃ : 1 ≤ b

It says that given the constraints in the list hold for the variables occuring in the type, the function is (4.0⋅(1 / n₁)⋅b⋅eps⋅√(2.0⋅(0 - ln(s₂₈))⋅⌈k⌉), (1 / n₁)⋅b⋅del⋅⌈k⌉ + s₂₈)-private in its first and second arguments (the data and labels matrices, whose dimensions are denoted [n₁ × n₄] and [n₁ × n₅]), and zero-private in the following (the eps and del parameters, the eta parameter, and the number of epochs k and batch size b).

Learning MNIST, implemented in mnist.jl

To use the above algorithm, we need to call the train_dp function. The inferred differential privacy is a property of the algorithm, but we cannot typecheck the code that actually calls the function with some actual data that's loaded from somewhere. This has to happen in a seperate file where you can use the checked function, but bear the responsibility of using it correcly.

First, we load the MNIST dataset, containing loads of images of handwritten digits and the corresponding labels.

using Flux

# get MNIST dataset
images = Flux.Data.MNIST.images();
labels = Flux.Data.MNIST.labels();

We transform the data into an actual julia matrix whose rows contain the images and a julia matrix whose i-the row contains a one-hot encoding of the label corresponding to the image in the i-th row of the data matrix. We then split it into 80% training and 20% test data.

# preprocess data into float matrix and one-hot label matrix
X = transpose(hcat(float.(reshape.(images,:))...))
y = [i == label ? 1 : 0 for label in labels, i in 0:9]

# split into test and train data
split = Int(ceil(length(images) * 0.8))

X_train = X[1:split, :]
X_test = X[split+1:end,:]
y_train = y[1:split,:]
y_test = y[split+1:end,:]

Now we can include the file we tyepechecked and run it with some parameters! Training will take some time.


# train with DP-SGD for 1000 epochs with sample size of 2000, learning rate of 0.2, an (0.2,0.2)-privacy
m = FluxDP.train_dp(X_train,y_train,0.2,0.2,0.2,1000,2000)

Run the trianing yourself!

To run the whole thing, simply include the file mnist.jl in your REPL. Let's see what it can learn! Training can take a while.

julia> # prints mean error and accuracy
julia > result = include("test/flux_dp/mnist.jl")
average loss: 0.407527023015877
accuracy: 0.8861666666666667
DMModel(Chain(Dense(784, 40, relu), Dense(40, 10), softmax))

julia> Flux.onecold(result.model(X_test[1000,:])) # model prediction for test example 1000

julia> Flux.onecold(y_test[1000,:]) # correct label for test example 1000

A note on performance

Training a neural network using this differentially private implementation of stochastic gradient descent is much slower than training using the non-private version. The non-private version uses a trick, exploiting that the average of a batch's gradients is the gradient of the batch average, hence only needing to compute a single gradient per batch. For the differentially private version, however, we need to clip each batch member's gradient individually, so we need to compute each one individually.